Construction Phase Services

  • Planning & Program

We can help you draw up a program so you have an understanding home long the works will take.

You can also get the builder to agree to a time scale, also look ahead and plan the works around upcoming events such as financial constraints, birthdays, weddings, Christmas etc.

There can be long lead times for products and materials, the better the works and ordering of materials are planned, the smoother the construction phase will be.

  • Key Stage Inspections

We can make regular inspections to check the works are being completed to the required quality and specification. Check building control have been called to site and provide a progress report, so you know where the build is up to.

It is important to have an understanding on how the works are progressing, especially if you agree stage payments as the builders can often say more works have been done than actual progress so they get the payment early. This can be a big risk as you can end up paying for more than what has been done and builder disappears leaving you out of pocket with a half build project.

  • Review Invoices, Variations and Changes

A big concern for people having works done is the risk of increasing cost, builder making changes or asking for more money baffling you with technical jargon.

We can review all invoices to ensure they are only claiming for what has been done. We can also discuss any changes with the builder and then talk through the issue with you so you fully understand why it is needed.

We can also support you in challenging the builder if you or we believe the change or increased cost is not required.

If the builder is happy for this to happen then it gives the impression they do a good job, have nothing to hide and will be upfront and honest. If they don’t like this and walk away, it maybe because they often use this opportunity to get more money out of the customer and it is a good thing they walk away.

  • Technical Support

We can help you understand the technical aspect of the works, help with understanding products and materials, support you in product selection and ordering.

We can talk you through each step of the works to increase your knowledge and overall experience.

Supported by the initial design planning, sketches, specification, and works program, this can also help to give you comfort and confidence as works progress that you are getting what you have paid for.